Mohabbat Aisi Dhadkan Hai
Mohabbat Aisi Dhadkan Hai- Lata Mangeshkar- Film Anarkali 1953- Lyrics hasrat Jaipuri- Music C.Ramchandra
Anarkali, released in 1953, was film depicting Royal romance between a Persian nomad named Nadira Begum or Sharf-Un-Nissa, who came to Lahore with traveller's caravan and Prince salim (Later Jehangir). Being attractive and proficient in dancing, Nadira got place in Akbar's Court and endowed with epithet of Anarkali on the basis of her beauty. The romance however had to go through innumerable obstacles. Nadira, being at the lower rung of social hierarchy, and Salim being destined for the Emperor of Indian subcontinent, under Mughal occupation, there was difference between their status. Their romance therefore was not kindly looked upon Emperor Akbar. To separate the lovebirds , and also prepare Salim for the harsh realities of life, Akbar sent Salim to desolate and cruel battlefields of Kabul. Anarkali was given stern warning from Akbar to remain far away from Salim upon his arrival. However their ardent love knew no barriers, hurdles, shackles of society and authority bent on separating them. The romance between Anarkali and Prince Salim kept blossoming. For the sake of love, Salim revolted against Akbar. The revolt was mercilessly crushed. Prince was given reprieve , but Anarkali was instructed to leave the city.
While helpless Anarkali, on the verge of leaving the palace, she gets Prince's letter assuring his eternal love towards her. He urges her to meet him clandestinely ,at the time when first light of moon rays strike. Anarkali is delighted. As planned , she waits for Salim under the canopy of starry night with a candle in her hand. However he comes late. Dejected Anarkali, returns to palace and while waiting for him sings this song.....
इस इंतेज़ार-ए-शौक को जनमों की प्यास हैइक शमा जल रही है, तो वो भी उदास है
मुहब्बत ऐसी धड़कन है, जो समझाई नहीं जाती
ज़ुबां पर दिल की बेचैनी, कभी लाई नहीं जाती
मुहब्बत ऐसी धड़कन है
चले आओ, चले आओ, तक़ाज़ा है निगाहों का
तक़ाज़ा है निगाहों का
किसी की आर्ज़ू ऐसे, तो ठुकराई नहीं जाती
मुहब्बत ऐसी धड़कन है, जो समझाई नहीं जाती
मुहब्बत ऐसी धड़कन है
मेरे दिल ने बिछाए हैं सजदे आज राहों में
सजदे आज राहों में
जो हालत आशिक़ी की है, वो बतलाई नहीं जाती
मुहब्बत ऐसी धड़कन है, जो समझाई नहीं जाती
मुहब्बत ऐसी धड़कन है..
Love is such a thing which is beyond comprehension. It has to be endured and felt from the bottom of heart. The turmoil in the bleeding heart has to be buried within . It should not poured out. You have to live with it . That is called love. She is like a flame who is burning weak with heavy heart , waiting for her Parwana. Her sorrow filled eyes urge him to come urgently to keep the flame of their love alight. She pleads him not to dash her hopes of union and subsequent fond moments. She will keep praying to God for their ever lasting love. The pangs of agitation and turbulence welling up within her heart can't be expressed in words. Because Love is such a thing which can't be fathomed.
What a beautiful lyrics. Every word of Hasrat Jaipuri's lyrics expresses the distress and desolateness of lovelorn heart, grief stricken with separation from her beloved. The agonies of sepaartion , the angst are brought out effectively through the powerful words. On screen, Bina Rai as Anarkali, through her eyes, filled with despair and sorrow, enacts the miseries of broken heart. The divine voice of Lata Mangeshkar and out of the world music of C.Ramchandra take the song to a new level. Therefore, even after the song ends, it lingers in the mind of listener for a long time....A Masterpiece.

Anarkali 1953
Starcast: Pradeep Kumar, Bina Rai, Manmohan Krishna, Mubarak, Kuldip Kaur, Ruby Myers
Lyricists: Shailendra, Hasrat Jaipuri, Jan Nissar Akhtar and Rajendra Krishna.
Music: Basant Prakash/ C.Ramchandra.
Screen Play: Naseer Hussain.
Produced by Filmistan
Directed by Nandlal Jaswantlal
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